How To Mac

How to Run Python in Sublime Text on Mac

Written by John

Are you a macOS Ventura user who is looking to get up and running with Python 3.11? Are you hoping to utilize Sublime Text 4 as your primary text editor for coding in Python? Look no further! In this blog post, I will guide you through the steps necessary for setting up Sublime Text 4 so that you can run Python scripts from within the program. Whether it's a simple script or an elaborate project, follow along and learn how to make Sublime Text 4 your go-to code writing companion today!

How to Run Python in Sublime Text on Mac

1. Install New Python with Brew

With this tutorial, you'll learn how to easily install Python on your Mac using the Brew program. Brew on Mac is becoming an increasingly popular activity due to its versatility and convenience. Brew is a package manager, meaning it helps you install applications quickly and easily. It's especially great for program language installs like Python, as Brew can handle the download and setup of the programming environment with a few simple commands.

Brew is super handy when developing applications, since developers don't have to worry about finding the right configuration files or repositories- Brew takes care of all that for you. Brew on Mac makes applications and programming languages much more accessible for everyday users, allowing even novice programmers to get up and running quickly and easily.

Installing HomeBrew on Mac is as easy as using the Terminal, accessing Terminal on Mac is easy - it's just a Spotlight away! To install Homebrew, simply type in the special command and you're good to go.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Brew on Mac

The installation of Brew with the request to install XCode Commands Line. Click Install button to Install XCode.

Install XCode Command Line with Terminal

If you have an Intel Mac, the installation of Homebrew is easy and straightforward. All the tools needed are already located in '/usr/local/bin'. However, if your Mac runs on Apple Silicon architecture like MacBook Air M2 or MacBook Pro M1 - things can get tricky! A different folder called '/opt/homebrew' to be created for Apple Silicon Chip and you may receive an error message 'zsh: command not found" when you run 'brew' commands. Simply check your configurations file and make sure PATH is updated to fix this problem.

Create zprofile to run Brew on M1 M2 Mac

cd ~/
touch .zprofile
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> $HOME/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

The process of installing Python on your device is straightforward. Simply utilize the command “brew search python” to locate the most up-to-date versions available – in this tutorial, that would be 3.11 and 3.10 - followed by executing “Brew install python@3.10” for a successful setup!

Install new Python 3.11 on macOS Ventura

brew search python
brew install python@3.10

2. Run Python with Sublime Text

Sublime Text makes it a breeze to write and execute Python code. After download and install the program, you can create a new file and save it with your preferred name in the designated location. Be sure to double-check that its extension is .py - otherwise, your masterpiece won't be saved properly!

Just select File > New File and File > Save File from the menu bar to get started and select then choose a desirable location and filename - be sure not to forget that .py extension for your file type. It's as simple as that!

Save File in Sublime Text

Next, choose Python as your programming language in the Tools>Build Systems tool for a fresh start.

Choose Build System in Sublime Text

Last step, press 'Command+B' or go into Tools and select Build for an exciting run through of your program.

Run new Python 3.10 in Sublime Text

For those who want to leverage the power of Python on their Macs, using the Sublime Text editor is an ideal solution. Getting up and running with Python is easy - users just need to install it via the command line Brew utility. Once installed, opening Sublime Text will give access to all Python's features, making it easier than ever to customize your coding experience. From onboard debugging options and auto syntax assistance, Sublime Text provides an integrated environment for any person using Python on their Macs.

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